SUMMARY REPORT: January -2018
Inheritance tax may be reintroduced in India by Centre soon; How
it can impact you
Some have proposed that India needs to address
increasing inequality by increasing its tax-to-GDP (gross domestic product)
How a “low tax to GDP ratio” affects India?
As per 2015 data,
India has low Tax or Revenue to GDP ratio at around 18%. It is substantially
low in comparison to US (27%), UK (39%), , France(45%), Germany (41%)and BRICS
constituents viz., Brazil (34%), Russia (20%), China(22%), South Africa(27%).
Growth not
inclusive. Many poor people coexisting with super rich.
Poor revenue to GDP Ratio while GDP is on the rise, will impacts
India as under :
1) Rise of social inequalities - The economy will suffer from
wide gap between per capita income of rich and poor.
2) Rise in Interest burden - The funding for Public works
programme would be done more out of borrowings. This will increase interest
burden. Interest payment means lesser appropriation of funds for Capital Asset
3) Inflation - Lesser contribution from tax payers means
generating money supply partly through printing of currency.
4) Higher Interest Rates - Inflation will put pressure on
interest rates.
5) Higher participation of MNCs and investment of foreign funds
in infrastructure, Power generation, technology, etc . Domestic companies will
have to face tough competition from MNCs.
6) Rupee will not strengthen in medium term
7) Pressure to contain Fiscal Deficit & Current
So how unequal is India? India Economic Summit 6-7 October 2016 New Delhi
What can India do to reduce inequality?
The continued rise of economic inequality in India – and around
the world – is not inevitable. It is the result of policy choices. Governments
can start to reduce inequality by rejecting market fundamentalism, opposing the
special interests of powerful elites, and changing the rules and systems that
have led to where we are today. They need to implement reforms that
redistribute money and power and level the playing field.
Specifically, there are two main areas where changes to policy
could boost economic equality: taxation and social spending.
1. Progressive taxation, where corporations and the richest individuals pay more to the
state in order to redistribute resources across society, is key. The role of
taxation in reducing inequality has been clearly documented in OECD and
developing countries. Tax can play a progressive role, or a regressive one,
depending on the policy choices of the government.
2. Social spending, on public services such as education, health and social
protection, is also important. Evidence from more than 150 countries – rich and
poor, and spanning over 30 years – shows that overall, investment in public
services and social protection can tackle inequality. Oxfam has for many years
campaigned for free, universal public services.
Two key indicators are: how much has a
government committed to spend on education, health and social protection?
When it comes to the second indicator (levels
and progressivity of social-sector spending), India compares less well. Only 3%
of GDP goes towards education and only 1.1% towards health.
India – along with all the other countries in
the world – has committed to attaining the Sustainable Development Goals by
2030, and to ending extreme poverty by that year. But unless we make an effort
to first contain and then reduce the rising levels of extreme inequality, the
dream of ending extreme poverty for the 300 million Indians – a quarter of the
population – who live below an extremely low poverty line, will remain a pipe
· Please tell Davos why 1% of Indians get 73% of wealth: Rahul Gandhi to PM Modi
for 2017: Richest 1 percent bagged 82 percent of wealth created last year - poorest half of humanity got nothing
Eighty two percent of the wealth generated last
year went to the richest one percent of the global population, while the 3.7
billion people who make up the poorest half of the world saw no increase in
their wealth, according to a new Oxfam report released today. The report
is being launched as political and business elites gather for the World
Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
‘Reward Work, Not Wealth-REPORT BY OXFAM.
· The Malimath Committee’s recommendations on reforms in the criminal justice system in 20 points
· Underwater cave system in the world
Sac Actun cave system in Mexico could help shed new light on ancient Mayan civilisation
Sac Actun (from Spanish and Yucatec Maya meaning "White
Cave System") is an underwater cave system situated along the Caribbean coast of the Yucatán Peninsula with passages to the north and west of
the village of Tulum. It is believed to be the world's largest
underwater cave system currently (2018) known to exist
Sac Actun with 347.7 kilometers (216.1 mi) the longest cave in Mexico[2] and
the second longest worldwide
Limestone is a sedimentary rock, composed mainly of skeletal fragments of marine organisms such as coral, forams and molluscs. Its major materials are the minerals calcite and aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).
· Parliamentary panel may take up judges’ issue
New Delhi, January 17:
Parliament could intervene on the “administrative issues” in the
Supreme Court that led to four senior-most judges of the apex court speaking to
the media against the Chief Justice of India.
If the Opposition has its way, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel,
Public Grievances, Law and Justice will prepare a report on the issues that led to the judges
talking to the media and their statement that “democracy is in danger”, and submit it to the House .
A meeting of the panel, which is headed by BJP MP Bhupender
Yadav, is scheduled for Monday. Though the agenda for meeting is ‘electoral
reforms’, the Opposition members want the panel to take up the issues raised by
the judges immediately as, according to them, the top judiciary is in crisis.
Several Opposition MPs in the 30-member committee told BusinessLine that theirs
is the appropriate panel to take up the issue.
“Parliament is supreme. If four senior judges are saying
that democracy is in crisis, we cannot stay silent. We will raise the issue in
the panel,” a senior MP said. He added that the panel has a sub committee to
look at the issues that have to be taken up. “As of now, our plate is full. But
the sub-committee and the members can always suggest other issues. It is up
to the chairman to decide whether the matter can be studied
further. This issue is most important as the step taken by the judges was
unprecedented,” the member said..
· भीमा कोरेगांव: ऐतिहासिक नायकों की तलाश में दलित
· सुप्रीम कोर्ट : प्रिया प्रकाश वारियर के खिलाफ FIR पर रोक
प्रकाशित: फ़रवरी 21, 2018
अपनी आने वाली फिल्म के एक गाने की वायरल क्लिप से प्रिया प्रकाश वारियर को मशहूर बना दिया. लेकिन इसी के आधार पर तेलंगाना और महाराष्ट्र में उनके खिलाफ मुस्लिम समुदाय की भावनाओं को भड़काने को लेकर FIR भी दर्ज हो गई.
· वैकल्पिक समाज की तलाश
संगम की सोच
है कि भविष्य कैसा होगा।
समाज, संस्कृति, राजनीति
पर क्या
सोच होगी।
क्या सामूहिक दृष्टिकोण व मूल्य होंगे।
इनकी तलाश ही विकल्प संगम की कोशिश
सरल ढंग से कहें तो विकल्प विराटता में नहीं, लघुता में हैं। केन्द्रीकृत समाज की जगह विकेन्द्रीकरण पर जोर देना होगा। पर्यावरण यानी जल, जंगल, जमीन के आधिपत्य पर नहीं, साहचर्य में है। यानी उसके साथ जीने में है। धरती के साथ जुड़ाव में है, न कि उसके अतिदोहन में है। हमें ऐसा रास्ता अपनाना होगा, जिसमें पर्यावरण का कम से कम नुकसान हो। समता व बराबरी का समाज हो, शोषणमुक्त हो, क्योंकि गैर बराबरी के समाज में तामझाम व दिखावा की संस्कृति होती है, जो ज्यादा प्रकृति का दोहन करती है। स्पर्धा नहीं परस्पर सहयोग पर आधारित समाज बनाना होगा। असीमित व अतिदोहन का नहीं बल्कि इसकी सीमा बनानी होगी।
· Cold wave in North India:
Cold wave continues to grip North India, temperature drops to season’s lowest in Jammu city
Weather monitoring
agency Skymet Weather said
that the intense cold will prevail over Delhi and adjoining areas the next few
days as winds are blowing across the northwestern plains. The cold winds are
because of the active Western Disturbance, a storm originating in the
Mediterranean region that brings sudden winter rain to the northwestern parts
of the subcontinent.
Siberian winds give India the shivers
PUNE: The biting cold in central and north India over the past
few days is the fallout of a cold blast from the Arctic.
The entire north India, parts of central India, including Maharashtra, are feeling the chill in a supposedly warm winter because of a phenomenon that weather forecasters term 'negative Arctic oscillation', which brings a blast of cold Siberian winds to the Indian region.
Higher-level winds travel from Europe and Russia via Afghanistan and Pakistan to enter northern India. Weather forecasters claimed that occasional cold spells could be frequent now till the end of winter, especially in north India.
The entire north India, parts of central India, including Maharashtra, are feeling the chill in a supposedly warm winter because of a phenomenon that weather forecasters term 'negative Arctic oscillation', which brings a blast of cold Siberian winds to the Indian region.
Higher-level winds travel from Europe and Russia via Afghanistan and Pakistan to enter northern India. Weather forecasters claimed that occasional cold spells could be frequent now till the end of winter, especially in north India.
D Sivananda
Pai, the head of the National Climate Centre, India Meteorological Department
(IMD), told TOI that during the positive phase of the Arctic oscillation,
bitterly cold weather remains confined to the Arctic region. "When this
pattern becomes negative, which is the situation at present, a reversal of
winds takes place and the cold travels southwards. These cold winds have now
begun to enter the regions south of the Arctic, including India, resulting in a
drop in temperature," said Pai.
The amplitude of the easterly wave activity, which had earlier
warmed the peninsula, including central India, has now reduced because of the
strong westerly winds.
negative Arctic oscillation began around a week back and may continue for some
time now. This means, we could expect occasional cold spells from now on in
various parts of the country, especially in the north India," said Pai.
B Mukhopadhyay, additional director-general of meteorology
(research), IMD, said this winter had been unusual, marked by warmer
temperatures with few cold spells. "In a usual winter, cold spells keep
recurring after every 10-15 days, right from December. This time, cold spells
began late due to predominance of easterly wave activity," said
The amplitude of the easterly wave activity usually increases in
El Nino years. "The strong westerly winds have now overpowered the
easterly wave effect, leading to a significant temperature drop in various
parts of the country," he said.
Cold takes south India by surprise
Southern parts of the country have been hit by
an unexpected and unprecedented drop in temperatures.
new about it
Ajit Tyagi, director general of IMD, maintains that there is nothing special about this phenomenon. “Usually, the warm oceanic waves from the Bay of Bengal keep the peninsular region warm. But their absence because of lack of cyclonic activity over the water body has caused cold winds from the northern part of the country to fill in the vacuum over peninsular India,” he adds.
M Rajeevan, senior scientist at the National Atmospheric Research Laboratory in Tirupati, concurs. He adds that the current atmospheric conditions in the peninsular region are conducive for this sort of weather variation. “The sky is clear and the air is dry. In these conditions, lower surface air can cool to a great extent,” he says. Rajeevan accepts that this sort of temperature dip is unusual for the peninsular region. “However, this is a natural variation, and doesn’t qualify as an extreme weather event.” Rajeevan adds that a weather circulation pattern called Arctic Oscillation, an atmospheric circulation pattern in which the atmospheric pressure over the Polar Regions varies in opposition with that over middle latitudes, has caused severe cold conditions throughout the world, and it is possible its impact is just spilling over to southern India too. Met officials are unsure how long the cold-wave like conditions will persist across the region.
Gopal Dabade, public health activist who runs a non-profit called Jagruti in Karnataka, says, “The cold has taken everyone by surprise. It is unlike anything seen in the recent years. People are unprepared for it. The homeless on the streets are most affected.” Unlike Delhi, there are also no provisions to distribute blankets to the homeless, he adds.
Ajit Tyagi, director general of IMD, maintains that there is nothing special about this phenomenon. “Usually, the warm oceanic waves from the Bay of Bengal keep the peninsular region warm. But their absence because of lack of cyclonic activity over the water body has caused cold winds from the northern part of the country to fill in the vacuum over peninsular India,” he adds.
M Rajeevan, senior scientist at the National Atmospheric Research Laboratory in Tirupati, concurs. He adds that the current atmospheric conditions in the peninsular region are conducive for this sort of weather variation. “The sky is clear and the air is dry. In these conditions, lower surface air can cool to a great extent,” he says. Rajeevan accepts that this sort of temperature dip is unusual for the peninsular region. “However, this is a natural variation, and doesn’t qualify as an extreme weather event.” Rajeevan adds that a weather circulation pattern called Arctic Oscillation, an atmospheric circulation pattern in which the atmospheric pressure over the Polar Regions varies in opposition with that over middle latitudes, has caused severe cold conditions throughout the world, and it is possible its impact is just spilling over to southern India too. Met officials are unsure how long the cold-wave like conditions will persist across the region.
Gopal Dabade, public health activist who runs a non-profit called Jagruti in Karnataka, says, “The cold has taken everyone by surprise. It is unlike anything seen in the recent years. People are unprepared for it. The homeless on the streets are most affected.” Unlike Delhi, there are also no provisions to distribute blankets to the homeless, he adds.
Nina effect
Meanwhile, cold weather conditions continued to hit northern India with hilly states like Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh experiencing heavy snowfall. J R Kulkarni, senior scientist at the Indian Institute of Tropical Metereology at Pune, maintains this is usual for this time of the month. D S Pai, director of the long-range forecasting division, IMD Pune, says that people are feeling colder because of dip in maximum or day temperature. He adds that La Nina, a weather phenomenon generally associated with favourable monsoons and WHICH occurs when surface temperatures are cooler than normal in the western Pacific and warmer than normal in the eastern Pacific, might have been one of the factors behind this severe cold. “Weather is complicated, and La Nina is not the most important factor to influence temperature, but our analyses have shown that it can impact mean temperature.”
Meanwhile, cold weather conditions continued to hit northern India with hilly states like Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh experiencing heavy snowfall. J R Kulkarni, senior scientist at the Indian Institute of Tropical Metereology at Pune, maintains this is usual for this time of the month. D S Pai, director of the long-range forecasting division, IMD Pune, says that people are feeling colder because of dip in maximum or day temperature. He adds that La Nina, a weather phenomenon generally associated with favourable monsoons and WHICH occurs when surface temperatures are cooler than normal in the western Pacific and warmer than normal in the eastern Pacific, might have been one of the factors behind this severe cold. “Weather is complicated, and La Nina is not the most important factor to influence temperature, but our analyses have shown that it can impact mean temperature.”
Cold wave kills nearly 100 in north India
Cold wave kills nearly 100
in north India
The Disaster Management
Cell has predicted snowfall beginning 12 January for over four days.
The Kashmir valley is in the grip of an intense
cold wave as it witnesses forty days of harsh winter, locally called ‘Chillai
ASEAN-India relations
ASEAN-India relations are firmly embedded in culture, commerce
and connectivity. Starting as a sectoral partner of ASEAN in 1992, India became
a dialogue partner of ASEAN in 1996, a summit-level partner in 2002 and a
strategic partner in 2012. The year 2017 marks the 25 years of ASEAN-India
dialogue partnership, 15 years of summit level interaction and 5 years of
strategic partnership. The ASEAN-India relations have gained constant momentum
throughout this period.
The ASEAN–India
Free Trade Area (AIFTA) is a free trade area among
the ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and India. The initial
framework agreement was signed on 8 October 2003 in Bali, Indonesia. and
the final agreement was on 13 August 2009.The free trade area came into effect
on 1 January 2010.India hosted the latest ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit in
New Delhi on 20–21 December 2012. As of 2011-12, two-way trade between India
& ASEAN stood at US$79.86 billion surpassing the US$70 billion target.
Before the agreement was
signed, the Chief Minister of
Kerala, V.S. Achuthanandan,
led a delegation to the Indian Prime
Minister protesting against the FTA. The state of Kerala is an important exporter in the
national export of plantation products. It fears that cheap imports of rubber,
coffee, and fish would lower domestic production, adversely affecting farmers
and ultimately its economy. Kerala has already experienced a flooding of
its market with inexpensive imports under the South Asia
Free Trade Agreementof 2006. Cheap coconuts from Sri Lanka and palm oil from Malaysia has
since hindered Kerala's coconut cultivation.
The economies of the ASEAN
countries are largely export-driven, maintaining high export-to-GDP ratios.
Considering this, as well as the global financial crisis and India's expansive
domestic market, the ASEAN countries will look eagerly towards India as a home
for its exports
The Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) comprises of
Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Cambodia, Lao
PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam. India’s focus on a strengthened and multi-faceted
relationship with ASEAN is an outcome of the significant changes in the world’s
political and economic scenario since the early 1990s and India’s own march
towards economic liberalisation. India’s search for economic space resulted in
the ‘Look East Policy’. The Look East Policy has today matured into a dynamic
and action oriented ‘Act East Policy. PM at the 12th ASEAN India Summit and the
9th East Asia Summit held in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, in November, 2014, formally
enunciated the Act East Policy.
Apart from ASEAN, India has taken other policy initiatives in
the region that involve some members of ASEAN like BIMSTEC, MGC etc. India is
also an active participant in several regional forums like the Asia-Europe
Meeting (ASEM), East Asia Summit (EAS), ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), ASEAN
Defence Ministers' Meeting + (ADMM+) and Expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum (EAMF).
India's relationship with ASEAN is a key pillar of our foreign
policy and the foundation of our Act East Policy. The up-gradation of the
relationship into a Strategic Partnership in 2012 was a natural progression to
the ground covered since India became a Sectoral Partner of the ASEAN in 1992,
Dialogue Partner in 1996 and Summit Level Partner in 2002. There are, in total,
30 Dialogue Mechanisms between India and ASEAN, cutting across various sectors.
Anniversary of ASEAN-India Dialogue Relations: India and ASEAN are
observing 25 years of their Dialogue Partnership, 15 years of Summit Level
interaction and 5 years of Strategic Partnership throughout 2017.
Political Security Cooperation: Rising export of terror, growing radicalization through
ideology of hatred, and spread of extreme violence define the landscape of
common security threats to our societies. Our partnership with ASEAN seeks to
craft a response that relies on coordination, cooperation and sharing of
experiences at multiple levels.
Economic Cooperation: India-ASEAN trade and investment relations have been growing
steadily, with ASEAN being India's fourth largest trading partner.India's trade
with ASEAN has increased to US$ 70 billion in 2016-17 from US$ 65 billion in
ASEAN and India have been also working on enhancing private
sector engagement. ASEAN India-Business Council (AIBC) was set up in March 2003
in Kuala Lumpur as a forum to bring key private sector players from India and
the ASEAN countries on a single platform for business networking and sharing of
Socio-Cultural Cooperation: We have been organizing a large number of
programmes to boost People-to-People Interaction with ASEAN, such as inviting
ASEAN students to India each year for the Students Exchange Programme, Special
Training Course for ASEAN diplomats, Exchange of Parliamentarians,
Participation of ASEAN students in the National Children’s Science Congress,
ASEAN-India Network of Think Tanks, ASEAN-India Eminent Persons Lecture Series,
etc. As part of commomerative events we have organised Youth centric Programs
such as youth summit, artists camp and music band festival.
Connectivity progress
in implementing the India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway and the Kaladan
Multimodal Project, issues related to increasing the maritime and air
connectivity between ASEAN and India. A possible extension to
India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway to Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam is
also under consideration. A consensus on finalising the proposed protocol of
the India-Myanmar-Thailand Motor Vehicle Agreement (IMT MVA) has been reached.
ASEAN-India Green Fund: At the 6th
ASEAN-India Summit on 21 November 2007 in Singapore, India announced the
setting up of an ASEAN-India Green Fund with an initial contribution of US$ 5
million from India, to support collaboration activities relating to environment
and climate change. Some of the areas identified for collaboration under the Fund
are climate change, energy efficiency, clean technologies, renewable energy,
biodiversity conservation and environmental education. Projects worth US$ 1.97
million covered under this Fund are currently at the implementation stage.
has allowed import of GM edible oil, violating food safety laws
Governments have
broken laws,and ignored scientific warnings to permit food companies to sell us
dangerous and untested processed food products for years
अक्टूबर क्रान्ति शतवार्षिकी विशेषांक
Thursday, 28 December 2017
“मैं आश्चर्य से भर जाता हूँ” रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर (1930)
आखिरकार मैं रूस में हूँ! मैं जिधर भी नज़र दौड़ाता
आश्चर्य से भर जाता हूँ। किसी भी दूसरे
देश में ऐसी स्थिति
नहीं है…ऊपर से नीचे तक वे हर किसी को जगा रहे हैं….
यह क्रान्ति
लम्बे समय से रूस की दहलीज
पर खड़ी अन्दर
आने का इन्तज़ार
कर रही थी। लम्बे
समय से तैयारियाँ
चल रही थीं; इसके स्वागत
के लिए रूस के अनगिनत
ज्ञात और अज्ञात
लोगों ने अपने प्राणों
की आहुति दी और असहनीय
यंत्रणाओं को भोगा।
वह क्रान्ति जिसने ज़ार (रूस का बादशाह) के शासन का अन्त कर दिया, 1917 में ही हुई है, यानी अभी 13 वर्ष पहले की ही बात है। इन 13 वर्षों के दौरान उन्हें अपने देश के भीतर और बाहर, दोनों जगह हिंसक विरोधियों के विरुद्ध लड़ना पड़ा। वे अकेले हैं और उन्हें अपने कन्धों पर जर्जर राजनीतिक व्यवस्था का भार उठाना पड़ रहा है। इससे पूर्व के कुशासन का इकट्ठा किया हुआ कचरा उनके पैरों की बेड़ियाँ बन रहा है। गृहयुद्ध के जिस तूफ़ान को पार कर उन्हें नये युग के तट पर पहुँचना था, उसे इंग्लैण्ड और अमरीका की गुप्त और खुली मदद ने प्रचण्ड बना दिया। उनके पास संसाधन कम हैं: विदेशी व्यापारियों से उन्हें कुछ भी उधार नहीं मिल सकता। न ही देश में पर्याप्त उद्योग हैं। सम्पदा के उत्पादकों के रूप में अभी शक्तिहीन हैं। इसलिए, वे इस परीक्षा की घड़ी को पार करने के लिए अपना खुद का भोजन बेचने को मजबूर हैं। इसके साथ ही, उनके लिए राजनीतिक मशीनरी के सबसे अनुत्पादक हिस्से, सेना, को पूरी तरह कायम रखना अत्यावश्यक है, क्योंकि आज की सभी पूँजीवादी ताकतें उनकी दुश्मन हैं और उनके शस्त्रागार हथियारों से भरे हुए हैं।
New $318 million loan Agreement Signed with World Bank to Support Climate Resilient Agriculture
Capital Market Last
Updated at December 27, 2017
project will help Tamil Nadu scale up its efforts to unlock the full
potential of its agriculture sector. It will support farmers improve the
efficiency of water used in farming, diversify into high value crops, and
produce crops that are resilient to the increasing threats of climate change.
Such efforts will be a win-win for all, leading to better use of scarce water resources and raising household incomes of farmers,
said John Blomquist, Program Leader and Acting Country Director, World Bank, India.
Centre wants to dilute environment clearance norms for irrigation projects, mining of 47 minerals
A draft notification issued by the environment ministry this week also proposes to give states greater powers to review projects
The ministry also wants state
governments to get greater responsibility for assessing environmental impact of
irrigation projects. Under the proposed norms, state authorities would be able
to clear projects irrigating up to 50,000 hectares instead of the current
10,000 hectares. Projects irrigating over 50,000 hectares would require
clearance from the Centre.
“This is a major dilution in the
environment law,” said the environment lawyer Ritwick Dutta. “Now developers
can break their big irrigation projects into several parts of 5,000 hectares
culturable command area [the area irrigated by a project] and get away without
seeking any environment clearance for them.”
Attack on secular fabric of Indian Constitution continuing, upsurge in religious attacks dangerous for democracy and harmony
Tuesday, 19 December 2017
‘I was banned from the WTO for defending people’s rights’
Alberto Villarreal
writes: Trade deals affect people’s everyday lives from the food we eat to the
energy we use, and should not be discussed behind closed doors. And yet, this
is exactly what is happening at this year’s upcoming World Trade Organization
meeting in Buenos Aires from 10-13 December. Also, Noam Chomsky on the WTO.
Monday, 4 December 2017
urges UN to declare 2018 as 'International Year of Millets'
The proposal, if agreed, will raise
awareness about millets among consumers, policy makers, industry and R&D
sector. Millet is a common term to categorise small-seeded grasses that are
often termed nutri-cereals or dryland-cereals. It includes sorghum, pearl
millet, ragi, small millet, foxtail millet, proso millet, barnyard millet, kodo
millet and other millets.
The country's proposal was sent to
the global body recently by the Union agriculture minister Radha Mohan Singh.
Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance (FRDI)
The proposed FRDI Bill will make the recovery of Indian
economy impossible
Bharatavani portal offers digital dictionaries of vanishing Indian languages
भारतीय भाषा संस्थान (सीआईआईएल),
मैसूरु द्वारा कार्यान्वित
Managed by Central
Institute of Indian Languages(CIIL), Mysuru
Vikalp Sangam, Udaipur: Confluence of alternatives.
Ecology section: Gaia hypothesis
“Gaia is a tough bitch”: Remembering Lynn Margulis, scientific pioneer
is a tough bitch — a system that has worked for over three billion years
without people. This planet's surface and its atmosphere and environment will
continue to evolve long after people and prejudice are gone.
Gaia hypothesis, also known as Gaia theory or Gaia principle, proposes that all
organisms and their inorganic surroundings on Earth are closely integrated to
form a single and self-regulating complex system, maintaining the conditions
for life on the planet.
India for alleged violations of its
Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement with Japan
Japanese automaker Nissan Motor has begun
international arbitration against India to seek more than $770 million in a
dispute over unpaid state incentives.
a legal notice sent to Prime Minister Narendra Modi last year, Nissan sought
payment of incentives due from the Tamil Nadu government as part of a 2008
agreement to set up a car manufacturing plant in the southern state.
Wednesday, 20 December 2017
It’s time India has a conversation about ethics of gene editing
India too is readying for genome
editing – a technique in which scientists use ‘molecular scissors’ to snip a
faulty gene and repair it or replace with a correct one. This opens up
possibilities for its use in plant and animal breeding; medicine, public
health, and development biology at the practical level; and designer babies and
lean or even micro pigs as pets at the exotic. Private companies have entered
the fray for its commercial potential to treat inherited genetic disorders,
cancers and neurodegenerative diseases.
But scientists worldwide have also
begun to grapple with emerging ethics, regulation, biosafety and biosecurity
implications of the technology; and are struggling to draw the fine line
between not impeding basic science research and defining what are
societally-acceptable applications.
geneticists see it as an extension of previous genetic modification
technologies — and posing, at most, issues of technology. The department of
biotechnology’s (DBT) 1989 guidelines foresaw genome editing as part of a range
of genetic modification technologies. That said, India’s track record in
allaying fears over GM crops is not exemplary, nor are its science academies
proactive on policy issues. Despite its claims that regulation was in place
when GM cotton was first approved for release in India in 2002, GM cotton was
reportedly illegally sown in Gujarat even before its approval. India’s own GM
mustard may have its merits, but some biotechnologists’ arguments that it
should be released because that Indians are, anyway, consuming imported oil
from GM canola and rapeseed does not pass muster.
as Indian biotechnologists embark on the research, it would be wise to learn
from the GM cotton experience and initiate a broader dialogue and foster public
trust and understanding. As with all emerging technologies that interface
science with society, there is no need to throw the baby out with the
Monday, 4 December 2017
अभी ज़िंदा
लेखक : अरुण तिवारी
, यह भी कि दुनिया में सब बुरे नहीं होते। हम अच्छे रहें। दुनिया एक दिन अपने आप अच्छी हो जायेगी।''
''अच्छा करो; अच्छे को प्रसारित करो।’’
दुनिया को खूबसूरत बनाने का यह एकमेव सूत्र वाक्य ही काफी है। है कि नहीं ?
Monday, 4 December 2017
प्र. में न्याय पंचायतों का विलोपन का निर्णय
कुतर्क और आशा भरी
गौरतलब है कि भारत के जिन आठ राज्यों के पंचायतीराज अधिनियम में न्याय पंचायत का प्रावधान है, उत्तर प्रदेश उनमें से एक है। उत्तर प्रदेश पंचायतीराज अधिनियम 1947 के अध्याय छह की धारा 42, 43 और 44 में इस बाबत् स्पष्ट निर्देश हैं। अधिनियम में ग्राम पंचायतों के गठन के तुरन्त बाद वार्ड सदस्यों के बीच पंच नामित कर न्याय पंचायतें गठित किए जाने का प्रावधान है|
न्याय पंचायतों का गठन न किए जाने की जवाबदेही को लेकर अदालत द्वारा सवाल किए जाने पर उत्तर प्रदेश के प्रमुख सचिव (पंचायतीराज) ने अपनी गर्दन बचाने के लिए पूरी न्याय पंचायत व्यवस्था को ही अयोग्य बताने वाला शपथपत्र पेश कर दिया। 29 मई, 2017 को पेश शपथपत्र में कहा गया कि न्याय पंचायतें अप्रसांगिक हो चुकी हैं। वर्तमान परिदृश्य में इनका गठन संभव नहीं है। न्याय पंचायतों की सरपंच अव्यावहारिक हो चुके हैं और वे ग्राम पंचायत के काम में बाधक हैं। दुर्भाग्य की बात है कि उक्त राय को उचित मानते हुए 27 जून को उत्तर प्रदेश की केबिनेट ने न्याय पंचायतों के अस्तित्व को खत्म करने का प्रस्ताव पास कर दिया। हालांकि विधान परिषद द्वारा प्रस्ताव मंजूर न किए जाने के कारण प्रस्ताव अभी समिति के पास अटका पड़ा है, लेकिन उक्त प्रसंग दर्शाता है कि पंचायत स्तर पर जनता द्वारा चुने हुए प्रतिनिधियों को लेकर उत्तर प्रदेश के शासन-प्रशासन का नजरिया क्या है। यहां उठाने लायक प्रश्न यह है कि जब प्रदेश में गत् 45 साल से न्याय पंचायतों का गठन ही नहीं हुआ, तो पंचायतीराज के प्रमुख सचिव महोदय किस आधार पर उत्तर प्रदेश में न्याय पंचायतों की अव्यावहारिकता तथा उसके सरपंच व अन्य सदस्यों की क्षमता तथा व्यवहार के बारे में निष्कर्ष निकाल लिया गया ?
इस बहस की राष्ट्रीय प्रसांगिकता
समाज के अपने परम्परागत संस्थानों को नष्ट करने का मतलब होता है, समाज को परावलम्बी बनाने की प्रक्रिया को मज़बूत करना। जिसका परिणाम न लोकतंत्र की मज़बूती की दृष्टि से अच्छा माना गया है और न ही समाज के सुख, सौहार्द और समृद्धि की दृष्टि से।
जजों की कम संख्या, न्यायालयों में पेशकार और वकीलों की मिलीभगत तथा प्रशासन की ढिलाई जैसे कई कारण इसके लिए ज़िम्मेदार बताये जाते हैं। स्वयं प्रधानमंत्री श्री मोदी इसे लेकर चिंता जताते रहे हैं|
तथ्य यह भी है कि ऊपर की अदालतों पर बढ़ते बोझ को कम करने के लिए भारतीय न्याय आयोग ने अपनी 114वीं रिपोर्ट में ग्राम न्यायालयों की स्थापना की सिफारिश की थी। सिफारिश को लेकर विशेषज्ञों के एक वर्ग की यह राय थी कि ग्राम न्यायालयों के रूप में एक और खर्चीले ढांचे को अस्तित्व में लाने से बेहतर है कि न्याय पंचायतों के ढांचे को सभी राज्यों में अस्तित्व में लाने तथा मौजूदा न्याय पंचायतों को और अधिक सक्षम बनाने की दिशा में पहल हो|
सुखद अनुभव
उदाहरण के तौर पर भारत में लंबित मुक़दमों की कुल संख्या में बिहार की हिस्सेदारी मात्र छह प्रतिशत है। इसकी वजह यह है कि बिहार में न्याय पंचायत व्यवस्था काफी सक्रिय हैं। बिहार में न्याय पंचायतों को ’ग्राम कचहरी’ नाम दिया गया है। ग्राम कचहरियों में आने वाले 90 प्रतिशत विवाद आपसी समझौतों के जरिए हल होने का औसत है। शेष 10 प्रतिशत में आर्थिक दण्ड का फैसला सामने आया है। इसमें से भी मात्र दो प्रतिशत विवाद ऐसे होते हैं, जिन्हे वादी-प्रतिवादी ऊपर की अदालतों में ले जाते हैं। सक्रिय न्याय पंचायती व्यवस्था वाला दूसरा राज्य - हिमाचल प्रदेश है। ग्रामीण एवम् औद्योगिक विकास शोध केन्द्र की अध्ययन रिपोर्ट - 2011 खुलासा करती है कि हिमाचल प्रदेश की न्याय पंचायतों में आये विवाद सौ फीसदी न्याय पंचायत स्तर पर ही हल हुए|
परम्परा व संविधान ने स्वीकारा महत्व:
भारत की पंचायतों का मूल कार्य असल में गांव के सौहार्द, अनुशासन तथा नैतिकता को कायम रखना ही था। भारत का इतिहास गवाह है कि परम्परागत पंचायतें का कोई औपचारिक इकाई नहीं थी। असल में वे एक जीवन शैली थीं। संवाद, सहमति, सहयोग, सहभाग और सहकार की प्रक्रिया इस जीवनशैली के पांच संचालक सूत्र थे। परम्परागत पंचायतों के शुरुआती रूप की बात करें, तो गांव में कोई विवाद होने पर ही पंचायत बुलाई जाती थी।
73वें संविधान संशोधन ने पंचायतीराज संस्थानों को लेकर भले ही त्रिस्तरीय व्यवस्था दी हो, लेकिन संविधान की धारा 40 ने एक अलग प्रावधान कर राज्यों को मौका दिया कि वे चाहें, तो न्याय पंचायतों का औपचारिक गठन कर सकते हैं। धारा 39 ए ने इसे और स्पष्ट किया। 'सकते हैं' - हालांकि इन दो शब्दों के कारण न्याय पंचायतों के गठन का मामला राज्यों के विवेक पर छोड़ने की एक भारी भूल हो गई। परिणाम यह हुआ कि भारत के आठ राज्यों ने तो अपने राज्य पंचायतीराज अधिनियम में न्याय पंचायतों का प्रावधान किया, किंतु शेष भाग निकले।
Friday, 1 December 2017
In 2016, U.P. accounted for maximum crimes, says National Crime Records Bureau
This year, the NCRB has published data
on 19 metropolitan cities with a population of over 2 million and included a
new section on Missing Persons & Children, Fake Indian Currency Notes
(FICN) and arms seizure.
NCRB Data, 2016: Most atrocities against Dalits involve crimes against women, most cases in Bengaluru
Friday, 1 December 2017
'ओखी' तूफान की चपेट में दक्षिण भारत, बचाव कार्य के लिए नेवी के पांच जहाज तैनात
दक्षिण भारत में तूफान 'ओखी' की वजह से आई परेशानियां कम होने का नाम नहीं ले रही हैं। इस तूफान ने तमिलनाडु और केरल के कई हिस्सों को प्रभावित किया है। भारी बारिश के चलते चेन्नई, मदुरई, कन्याकुमारी व अन्य क्षेत्रों में स्कूलों को बंद कर दिया गया है।
Tuesday, meteorological department officials said a low pressure system was
forming in the Bay of Bengal that could turn into a cyclonic storm and hit the
country’s east coast by December 4.
far, we expect a low pressure system to form in the Andaman sea in the next few
days,” said SB Thampi, head of the Regional Meteorological Centre in Chennai.
He said a trough – a region of low atmospheric pressure – had already formed over south-western Bay of Bengal and the adjoining
areas of southern Sri Lanka. “In the next few days it will move towards the Bay
of Bengal, and is likely to come closer to Chennai and take a northerly turn,”
he said
to private weather services company Skymet, this would be the fourth low
pressure area to be formed in the Bay of Bengal during the North-East Monsoon
that could affect the weather over Tamil Nadu.
southern state is currently in the middle of the North-East Monsoon cycle,
which sets in at the end of October and accounts
for around 48% of its annual rainfall. Rainfall distribution across the
state has been uneven so far and the cyclone.
storm alert for Tamil Nadu around this time of the year is not unusual. Two
cyclones had struck the state’s coastal areas in December last year.
Cyclone Nada had landed near Puducherry, weakening into a depression as it
neared the coast. The more powerful of the two cyclones, Vardah, had made
landfall in North Chennai and was accompanied by powerful winds that brought
down trees and power lines.
SUMMARY OF NEWS/ISSUES : November Major Issues 2017
Water storage level of 91 major reservoirs of the country continues to be at 70% of their capacity
Friday, 27 October 2017
समानता का एक नया उदाहरण : KERAL-TEMPLE
जंगल की बड़ी माँ- केरल की एक आदिवासी महिला जो लगभग ५०० औषधियों के नुस्ख़ों को अपनी स्मरण-शक्ति में संजोये है - Health and tribal & traditional knowledge
जंगल की बड़ी माँ- केरल की एक आदिवासी महिला जो लगभग ५०० औषधियों के नुस्ख़ों को अपनी स्मरण-शक्ति में संजोये है (in Hindi)
Beyond MSP (Economy); Infrastructure sector, Infrastructure projects need .. -Niti Ayog; GST is creating-Modi.
Price incentives for farmers should
be followed up by better marketing infrastructure
The Centre, while announcing the
minimum support prices for the oncoming rabi season, has stuck to its policy of
announcing moderate increases in the case of cereals, while promoting a shift
towards pulses and oilseeds.
Infrastructure sector hails stimulus push
Infrastructure projects need more pvt sector investments: Niti Aayog CEO
Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant has pitched for channelling insurance and pension funds
for financing infrastructure projects as also for a complete re-examination of
the Viability Gap Funding (VGF) scheme.
“We need to build up environment to
tap pension and insurance funds for investments in infrastructure
projects...VGF scheme needs a complete re-examination,” Kant said at Crisil
India Infrastructure Conclave here today.
VGF is a one-time grant to
public-private-partnerships (PPPs) in the infrastructure sector to fill the
funding gap for making projects commercially viable.
GST is creating a new business culture: Modi
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Forum provides an ideal platform for fostering of Traditional Medicine.
Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation
(BIMSTEC) is an International Organisation involving a group of countries in
the South Asia and South East Asia namely, Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri
Lanka, Thailand, Bhutan and Nepal. India being a major stake holder in the
field of Traditional Medicine plays an important role in influencing the
policies and strategies related to the Traditional Medicine in the BIMSTEC
All-women forest rights information centre opens in Nayagarh district in Odisha
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Tribes tell their own stories of celestial bodies
Research finds that Gond, Korku, Kolam and Banjara myths show an alternative view of the stars and the universe
Monday, 16 October 2017
साईकिल का सम्मान :
(Holland in world & Manipur in India)
Viral picture: Netherlands or Holland prime minister rides bicycle to meet the King
who has led Netherlands since 2010, rode on his bicycle to the palace of the
King of Netherlands for a meeting on Saturday.
संघीय चरित्र को नष्ट करने का प्रस्ताव
प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी चाहते हैं कि देश भर में लोक सभा और सभी राज्यों की विधान सभाओं के चुनाव एक साथ कराए जाएं। चुनाव आयोग ने भी घोषणा कर दी है कि वह अगले साल ऐसा कराने में सक्षम है। चुनाव आयोग ने अपनी ओर से यह घोषणा क्यों की, यह पता नहीं है। निश्चय ही सरकार की ओर से उसे यह पता लगाने के लिए नहीं कहा गया होगा। सरकार ने ऐसा कहा है, तो यह एक बेकार की कवायद है क्योंकि लोक सभा और विधान सभाओं के चुनाव एक साथ कराया जाना सिर्फ सरकार और आयोग के बीच का मामला नहीं है। स्वयं चुनाव आयोग ने ही स्पष्ट कर दिया है कि जब तक सभी राजनैतिक दल इसके लिए सहमत नहीं हो जाते, ऐसा नहीं किया जा सकता। जहां तक विभिन्न राजनैतिक दलों के सहमत हो जाने का प्रश्न है, यह संभव दिखाई नहीं देता। केंद्र के साथ-साथ सभी राज्यों में भाजपा की सरकार होती तो शायद इसे संभव किया जा सकता था, हालांकि तब भी गंभीर संवैधानिक बाधाएं रहतीं।
समानांतर चुनाव के पीछे एक ही तर्क हो सकता है कि इससे चुनाव पर होने वाला भारी-भरकम चुनाव खर्च बहुत कम हो जाएगा। लेकिन मैं नहीं समझता कि सिर्फ चुनाव खर्च में बचत करने के लिए समानांतर चुनाव का विचार देश के सामने पेश किया गया है। इरादा यह होता तो चुनाव खर्च में कमी लाने के और उपाय भी हैं, जिन्हें आजमाया जा सकता है। फिलहाल स्थिति यह है कि चुनाव खर्च की अधिकतम सीमा सिर्फ उम्मीदवारों के लिए है, राजनैतिक दलों के लिए नहीं। दल चाहे जितना पैसा चुनाव में झोंक सकते हैं। निश्चय ही यह लोकतंत्र विरोधी स्वतंत्रता है। राजनैतिक दलों पर भी अंकुश लगाया जा सकता है कि वे लोक सभा और विधान सभा की एक-एक सीट के लिए चुनाव प्रचार में एक सीमा से अधिक खर्च नहीं कर सकते। उनके खातों की ऑडिटिंग अनिवार्य कर देने से भी उनके अनाप-शनाप खर्च पर कुछ अंकुश लग सकता है। अभी स्थिति यह है कि जिस दल के पास जितना ज्यादा पैसा है, वह चुनाव प्रचार में उतना ही ज्यादा खर्च कर सकता है। यह पूंजीवाद की चुनाव पण्राली है, जिसमें बड़ी मछली छोटी मछली का फर्क बराबर बना रहता है। इससे विभिन्न राजनैतिक दल वैध या अवैध तरीकों से ज्यादा से ज्यादा पैसा बनाने के जुगाड़ में लगे रहते हैं, जिससे राजनीति निश्चित रूप से दूषित होती है। लेकिन लोकतंत्र का उद्देश्य इस विषमता को पाटना है, न कि और चौड़ा करना। इसका सब से अच्छा तरीका यही है कि चुनाव का सारा खर्च सरकार उठाए। फायदा यह होगा कि जो मतदाताओं को प्रभावित करने के लिए जितना ज्यादा पैसा खर्च कर सकता है, उसके जीतने की संभावना उतनी ज्यादा होगी, यह विसंगति तो मिट ही जाएगी।
समानांतर चुनाव की कामना के पीछे कुछ और योजना होनी चाहिए। इस मामले में दो संभावनाएं दिखाई पड़ती हैं। एक यह कि सरकार भारत की संघीय पण्राली को कमजोर कर देश का ढांचा एकात्मक शासन वाली बनाना चाहती है। लोक सभा और विधान सभाओं के चुनाव अलग-अलग होते हैं, इसलिए भारत का संघात्मक ढांचा अपने आप स्पष्ट हो जाता है।
वस्तुत: भाजपाई दिमाग संघवाद-विकेंद्रीकरण में विास नहीं करता। भारत को राज्यों का संघ (यूनियन ऑफ स्टेट्स, जैसा कि भारत के संविधान में बताया गया है) नहीं मानता। इसे सिर्फ एक इकाई के रूप में देखता है, जिसमें केंद्र का राज्य देश भर में चले। दूसरी संभावना राष्ट्रीय नायक की कल्पना से जुड़ी हुई है। वैसे तो कैबिनेट पण्राली अब कहीं रही नहीं, जिसमें मंत्रालय स्वायत्त होते हैं, जहां-जहां भी संसदीय जनतंत्र है, प्रधानमंत्री एक तरह से राष्ट्रपति की तरह काम करता है। सब से ज्यादा शक्तिशाली होता है, और मंत्रिमंडल तथा पूरी सरकार उसके इशारों पर नाचते हैं। लेकिन देश भर में चुनाव एक साथ होंगे, तब प्रधानमंत्री पद का उम्मीदवार अगर बहुत मजबूत हुआ, तो वह सभी चुनावों को एक साथ प्रभावित कर सकता है। इसका नतीजा निकलेगा कि केंद्र में जिसकी सरकार बनेगी, अधिकांश राज्यों में भी उसी की सरकार बनेगी। कहने की जरूरत नहीं कि यह एकछत्र शासन को अप्रत्यक्ष निमंतण्रहै। इससे नायक पूजा की संस्कृति और मजबूत होगी, जो हमारे यहां पहले से ही कम नहीं है। सो, समानांतर चुनाव का विरोध लोकतांत्रिक राजनीति के हक में है।
अमीरों पर टैक्स कम करने से दुनियाभर में फैलेगी अव्यवस्था
अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष (आईएमएफ) का मुख्यालय वाशिंगटन में है और अगले कुछ ही दिन में उसकी बैठक होने वाली है। इस बैठक के पहले आईएमएफ ने सख्त लहजे में चेतावनी दी है कि अमीरों पर कम टैक्स लगाने का प्रस्ताव न रखा जाए। अगर ऐसा हुआ तो दुनियाभर में अव्यवस्था फैलेगी और उस स्थिति को संभालना मुश्किल हो जाएगा।आईएमएफ की चेतावनी खासतौर पर विकसित देशों को लेकर थी, जिसमें अमेरिका प्रमुख रूप से शामिल है।
आईएमएफ की रिपोर्ट में कई देशों की आर्थिक नीतियों का उल्लेख है। उसमें बताया गया है कि कैसे सरकारों ने योजनाओं के भी हिस्से कर दिए हैं। उसमें अमीर वर्ग को गरीब से ज्यादा फायदा मिलता है, जिससे असमानता बढ़ती है।
Slow poison: 80% of New Delhi’s tap water has plastic toxins
than 80% of New Delhi's tap water is contaminated by plastic microfibres, new
research has shown. This is the third highest contamination rate in the world
after the US (New York and Washington DC) and Beirut, Lebanon.
microscopic fragments enter the water system in several ways, from synthetic
fibre clothing, tyre dust and microbeads. Most of these are believed to
originate from clothes, upholstery and carpets. Washing machines and dryers add
to the problem. According to a Guardian report, a UK study found that each
cycle of a washing machine could release more than 700,000 microscopic plastic
80% of India’s surface water may be polluted, report by international body says-
latest assessment by WaterAid, an international organization working for water
sanitation and hygiene.
report, titled 'Urban WASH: An Assessment on Faecal Sludge Management (FSM)
Policies and Programmes at the National and State Level', is likely to be
released next week.
that 75-80% of water pollution by volume is from domestic sewerage, while
untreated sewerage flowing into water bodies including rivers have almost
doubled in recent years.
This in turn is leading to increasing burden of vector borne diseases, cholera, dysentery, jaundice and diarrhea etc. Water pollution is found to be a major cause for poor nutritional standards and development in children also.
This in turn is leading to increasing burden of vector borne diseases, cholera, dysentery, jaundice and diarrhea etc. Water pollution is found to be a major cause for poor nutritional standards and development in children also.
Drinking water from sewage becomes reality
- An a Bengaluru-based scientist has invented the 'Boom Tube Resonator'
- It recovers water fit for drinking and gives high-value fertilizer as a byproduct
- It uses no chemicals or micro-organisms
Rajah Vijay Kumar's invention - the Boom Tube Resonator - recovers water fit
for drinking and gives high-value fertilizer as a byproduct. It uses no
chemicals or micro-organisms.
water from sewage wasn't a possibility until recently. Facing one of the worst
drinking water crises, India may need to consider this for a better future. The
country's groundwater table is depleting and surface water undrinkable.
said as he sipped the recovered water. "It meets the drinking water
standard (ISI 505),
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
India needs to create greater economic opportunities for all
Piketty’s 2014 book, Capital in the 21st Century, which documents the rise of
sharp income inequality in the developed world since the 1970s, became an
unlikely bestseller for an academic book dense with facts and figures. In a
recent article with Lucas Chantel, Piketty has turned his gaze on India
(‘Indian Income Inequality, 1922-2014: From British Raj to Billionaire Raj?’, income-tax data with household surveys and national accounts,
Piketty and Chantel track income inequality from 1922, when the income tax was
introduced by the British colonial government, to 2014.
Kuznets Curve
It was Simon Kuznets, who won the Nobel Prize in Economics in
1971, who first pointed out that economic growth leads to an increase in
inequality at first, and then a decrease — the phenomenon being subsequently
termed the ‘Kuznets curve’. In the early stages of development, those who are
richer are better poised to take advantage of the new opportunities while an
excess of supply of unskilled labour keeps average wages down.Eventually,
however, capital accumulation leads to an increase in demand for labour that
pushes up wages. Also, the increasing role of human capital in production
pushes up the returns from acquiring skills. All of this leads to an eventual
decrease in inequality.
The part of Chantel and
Piketty’s article that has received less attention, in fact, demonstrates this
clearly: for the period when inequality was falling, the growth rate of average
income was low, and the subsequent rise in inequality has been accompanied by
high growth rates. However, the growth rates of the richest have been much
higher than the growth rates of those in the middle, and certainly of those in
the bottom half, and that explains the trend of inequality. It also
demonstrates clearly the validity of the basic logic of Kuznets.
yes, India has a major inequality problem, in terms of the distribution of
gains of growth, reflecting differential opportunities. To tackle this, it
needs a much greater investment in health and education, and much more of a
conscious effort to create greater economic opportunities to help children from
poor families experience upward mobility.It also needs a much more conscious
effort to bring the rich under the tax net. And, in particular, inheritance
taxes, which go after the main source of inequality of opportunity —wealth.
संस्थाओं को सुदृढ़ करने का वक्त
डॉ. भरत झुनझुनवाला
अर्थशास्त्रियों में इस बात को लेकर सहमति बन रही है कि आर्थिक विकास की असल कंुजी देश की संस्थाओं में निहित है। सस्ते श्रम से आर्थिक विकास हासिल होना जरूरी नहीं है। जापान में श्रम महंगा है, फिर भी आर्थिक विकास में वह देश आगे है। आवश्यक नहीं कि प्राकृतिक संसाधनों जैसे कोयले अथवा तेल के जरिए भी विकास हासिल हो ही जाए। सिंगापुर में प्राकृतिक संसाधन शून्यप्राय हैं, फिर भी उस देश की प्रति व्यक्ति आय अमेरिका से भी अधिक है। तकनीकों से भी आर्थिक विकास जरूरी नहीं है। चीन के पास तकनीकें न्यून थीं, परंतु उनका आयात करके वह कहीं आगे निकल गया है। भारतीय मूल के वैज्ञानिक विदेशों मे जाकर नामी संस्थाओं के प्रमुख बन जाते हैैं और नोबेल पुरस्कार भी हासिल कर लेते हैं, क्योंकि वहां संस्थाओं में जवाबदेही और स्वतंत्रता, दोनों हैं।शासकीय संस्थाओं में सबसे अधिक महत्वपूर्ण नेताओं की विश्वसनीयता है। वर्ल्ड इकोनॉमिक फोरम यानी विश्व आर्थिक मंच के अनुसार उत्तरी यूरोप के नार्डिक देशों के आर्थिक विकास का प्रमुख कारण वहां के नेताओं और अधिकारियों की ईमानदारी है।
नॉर्वे के नॉर्वेजियन स्कूल ऑफ इकोनॉमिक्स के अनुसार टिकाऊ आर्थिक विकास के लिए न्याय तंत्र की स्वतंत्रता जरूरी है। सरकार के निर्णयों पर न्यायालय द्वारा की गई समीक्षा से सही निर्णय पर पहुंचा जा सकता है|
जैसा सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने 2जी स्पेक्ट्रम के निर्णय में किया था।
रकार ने जजों की नियुक्ति के लिए एक कमेटी बनाने का कानून बनाया था। इस कमेटी में अधिक संख्या में सदस्यों की नियुक्ति सरकार द्वारा की जानी थी। इन सदस्यों के माध्यम से सरकार मनचाहे व्यक्तियों को जज नियुक्त कर सकती थी। मैं न्यायतंत्र पर बाहरी नियंत्रण का पक्षधर हूं, क्योंकि न्यायाधीशों द्वारा अपने परिजनों-परिचितों को जज बनाया जाता है, परंतु यह बाहरी नियंत्रण सरकार का नहीं होना चाहिए। कमेटी में कानूनी तौर पर चुने गए पेशेवर लोगों जैसे बार काउंसिल ऑफ इंडिया एवं इंस्टीट्यूट आफ चार्टर्ड एकाउंटेंट्स ऑफ इंडिया के अध्यक्ष को नियुक्त किया जा सकता है। इसी क्रम में सरकार ने नेशनल ग्रीन ट्रिब्यूनल को अपंग बनाने की व्यवस्था कर दी है। वर्तमान में ट्रिब्यूनल के अध्यक्ष सुप्रीम कोर्ट के सेवानिवृत्त न्यायाधीश होते हैं। सरकार ने कानून में संशोधन करके अफसरों को ट्रिब्यूनल का प्रमुख बनाने का रास्ता खोल दिया है। मनचाहे अफसर को नियुक्त करके सरकार ट्रिब्यूनल द्वारा सरकार के निर्णयों की समीक्षा पर रोक लगाना चाहती है, जो दीर्घकाल में सरकार के लिए ही हानिप्रद होगा जैसा नॉर्वेजियन स्कूल ऑफ इकोनॉमिक्स ने कहा भी है।
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
At Bonn, stay the course
November 6 and 17 this year, world leaders, delegates from various countries and
others from business, along with media and other representatives of civil
society will gather at Bonn for the 23rd Conference of Parties (COP-23) of the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
The meeting will primarily concentrate on various aspects associated with the
implementation of the Paris Agreement (PA), which was negotiated at COP-21 and
entered into force, or became legally binding, on November 4, 2016.
will be presided by Frank Bainimarama, Prime Minister of Fiji. It is fitting
that a Pacific island nation chairs this year’s COP as the very existence of
low-lying islands is threatened by sea level rise due to climate change.
will also include sessions on loss and damage, or the means of addressing
economic and non-economic forfeitures and potential injury associated with
climate change. Finally, the discussions will be about the implementation of
targets that were decided by each country ahead of the Paris meeting, referred
to as the nationally determined contributions (NDCs), and the finance, capacity
building and technology transfer required by developing countries from rich
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Friday, 22 September 2017
Wildlife Sanctuaries in News
wildlife sanctuary to be notified national park-BHOPAL: The Madhya Pradesh
board clears 2 oil refinery projects near Amsang sanctuary-GUWAHATI: The standing committee of
the National
Board for Wildlife (NBWL) has given nod to two
projects of Gauhati Refinery located within 10 km of the Amsang
Wildlife Sanctuary.
water woes for wildlife at Dalma this summer'-JAMSHEDPUR: Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary
(DWS) has taken steps to ensure that wild animals
here do not face any problem in availing
clean water this summer.
Armori tigress
shifted to Chaprala wildlife sanctuary, to be released today- Nagpur: Fifteen days after it was captured
from Armori in Wadsa Division of Gadchiroli, the three-year-old problem tigress
was shifted to 134 sqkm Chaprala Wildlife Sanctuary, 225 km from here, late on
Monday evening.
wildlife sanctuary's living centenarians-MADURAI:
Once thick with indigenous vegetation, especially lush Shola forests
and meadows, the flora of the Kodaikanal hills
have changed since 1970s thanks to the industrial planting of eucalyptus,
wattle and pine trees. While this endangered the native trees, some species
predominantly three of them have stood the test of time.
Tansa wildlife
sanctuary falls prey to quarrying, timber mafia & brick kilns
arrested for unauthorized entry to Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, teasing wildlife-KOZHIKODE
and IUCN comes together for tiger conservation in Nandhaur Wildlife Sanctuary-DEHRADUN
twin Shivlinga found in Mhadei wildlife sanctuaryKERI: A group of heritage lovers
trekking through the Mhadei wildlife
sanctuary along the ancient trading route to Karnataka found a unique twin Shivlinga in Caranzol akin to
one in Khadki area of Sattari
jumbos for Dalma sanctuary- Daltonganj
wildlife sanctuary renamed- NAGPUR
Tuesday, 12 September 2017
कचरे के पहाड़ तले दबे शहरों को अपनाने होंगे विकल्प
(1) Chhattisgarh Mine (2) Karwan-E-Mohabbat (3) Questioning the consumption (4) Biodiversity (5) Smart City (6) Invitation: Wild Vegetables festivals
Monday, 11 September 2017
Inequality in India
Income inequality in India at its highest level since 1922, says Lucas Chancel- According to a research paper titled ‘Indian income inequality, 1922-2014: From British Raj to Billionaire Raj?’
Friday, 8 September 2017
Uninhabited Lakshadweep island Parali I vanishes, 4 others shrinking fast: study
धर्म, अर्थ, काम और मोक्ष जीवन का ‘‘प्राकृतिक नियम’
Mountains of garbage
नहीं सूझ रहा विकल्प
Friday, 8 September 2017
भारतीय राष्ट्रवाद यानी असहमति पर सहमति
संदर्भ… विविधतापूर्ण और बहुलतावादी लोकतांत्रिक व्यवस्था को बढ़ती असहिष्णुता से उत्पन्न खतरा।-शशि थरूर
किसानों की नकद क्षतिपूर्ति करने की योजना
Aadhaar: How To Lock And Unlock Your
Biometric Details
- What is Sendai framework:
Sendai Framework is a 15 year
(2015-2030) non-binding voluntary agreement which recognizes that states has
the primary role to reduce disaster risk an also that responsibility of
disaster should be shared with other stakeholders such as private sector, local
governments and other stakeholders.
Friday, 25 August 2017
Rivers as Legal Persons- 20 MARCH 2017
The High Court of Uttarakhand has
consecrated two Indian rivers as juristic persons along the lines of Hindu
idols, companies and the Church in a stand-alone judgment on 20 March 2017 (Mohd
Salim v State of Uttarakhand, 2017). A division bench comprising
Justices Rajiv Sharma and Alok Singh declared,
The Rivers Ganga and
Yamuna, all their tributaries, streams, every natural water flowing with flow
continuously and intermittently of these rivers, as juristic/legal
persons/living entities having the status of legal persons with all
corresponding rights, duties and liabilities of a living person in order to
preserve and conserve the rivers. (Paragraph 19).
SC Stays Uttarakhand HC’s Order Declaring
Ganga And Yamuna Rivers As Living Legal Entities - 7/07/2017
The Centre had soon after approached
the Apex Court, citing administrative problems. “The High Court order of March
20 which stated that the Chief Secretary and the Advocate General
would act as the legal parents of the Ganga and Yamuna rivers.
Bacterial Bioremediation for Ganga Pollution With Community Knowledge for Coconut Coir
Thursday, 24 August 2017
Agri price forecasting model
Agri price forecasting model
Karnataka ropes in Microsoft to help farmers
Mobile app to help farmers overcome crop damage launched in India
A tough balancing act: The new bitter North-South divide in India’s sugar industry
The Trump discontinuity:
His new Afghan strategy could be a game-changer for
South Asia. There is an opportunity for India
Understanding work:
In a timely initiative, a global commission is to look at the changing dynamics of work
A bilateral investment treaty (BIT) of critique:
The Srikrishna committee has lost an opportunity to push for the recalibration of the Indian BIT regime
The recent report of the Justice B.N. Srikrishna committee, constituted to prepare a road map to make India a hub of international arbitration, has recommended many changes in Indian arbitration law and institutional mechanisms to promote arbitration in India.
Moss serves as a cheap pollution monitor
The “bioindicator” responds to
pollution or drought-stress by changing shape, density or disappearing,
allowing scientists to calculate atmospheric alterations. the effect of
nitrogen pollution, air quality and drought-stress on moss found over a 3km
square (1.9 mile) area in Hachioji City in northwestern Tokyo. “If the air
pollution is severe, the purity is also evaluated by moss ... the change of the
moss is very diverse according to the environmental problem,” said Oishi
Out on several LIMBS
A Legal Information Management & Briefing System can help reduce government litigation
National Litigation Policy (NLP) in 2010 and need for evolving new litigation policy
Internet shaming?
We live in fear of online mobs
Internet shaming spreads everywhere and lives forever. We
need a way to fight it
The Bright Side of Internet Shaming
It's become so common that it might soon begin to lose its
सुप्रीम कोर्ट का बड़ा फैसला, राइट टु प्राइवेसी मौलिक अधिकारों का हिस्सा है
नौ जजों की
संविधान पीठ ने 1954 और 1962 में दिए गए
फैसलों को पलटते हुए कहा कि राइट
टु प्राइवेसी मौलिक अधिकारों के अंतर्गत प्रदत्त जीवन के अधिकार का ही हिस्सा है.
अगर 'राइट टू प्राइवेसी' संविधान के
प्रावधान में है तो इसे कहां ढूढ़ें? हमारे साथ
दिक्कत यह है कि क्या इसे एक से ज्यादा संविधान के प्रावधानों
में तलाशा जाए? संविधान की अनुछेद 21 में इसे
तलाशना कम कष्टकारी होगा, लेकिन अगर ये
आर्टिकल 19 में है तो हमें यह ढूढ़ना होगा कि किस केस
के हिसाब ये कहां सही ठहरता है?
राइट टू प्राइवेसी
भी अपने आप में संपूर्ण नहीं'
कोर्ट ने कहा, मैं जज के तौर पर बाजार जाता हूं, और आप वकील के तौर पर मॉल जाते हैं. टैक्सी एग्रीगेटर इस सूचना का इस्तेमाल
करते हैं. 'राइट टु प्राइवेसी' भी अपने आप में संपूर्ण नहीं है. सरकार को
डाटा प्रोटेक्शन के लिए कानून लाने का
अधिकार है. राइट टु प्राइवेसी भी अपने आप में संपूर्ण नहीं है. सरकार को वाजिब प्रतिबंध लगाने से रोका
भी नहीं जा सकता है. क्या केंद्र
के पास आधार के डेटा को प्रोटेक्ट करने के लिए कोई मजबूत मैकेनिज्म है? विचार
करने की बात यह है कि मेरे टेलीफोन या ईमेल को सर्विस प्रोवाइडर्स के साथ शेयर क्यों किया जाए? मेरे टेलिफोन पर कॉल आती हैं तो विज्ञापन भी आते हैं. तो मेरा मोबाइल नंबर सर्विस
प्रोवाइडर्स से क्यों शेयर किया जाना
चाहिए. क्या केंद्र सरकार के पास डेटा प्रोटेक्ट करने के लिए ठोस सिस्टम है? सरकार
के पास डेटा को संरक्षण करने लिए ठोस मैकेनिज्म होना चाहिए.
Wednesday, 16 August 2017
Kudrati Kheti/ Natural Farming (Farmer Section)
Friday, 11 August 2017
About 11 Himalayan States
Special assistance for the development of Himalayan states
The eleven Himalayan States of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh,
Uttarakhand, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland,
Tripura and Sikkim have been given Special category status for the purpose plan
assistance from the Central Government. This information was given by the
Minister of State (Independent Charge) for
Planning, Shri Rao Inderjit Singh in a written reply in Lok
Sabha today.
Himalaya Day – An Introduction
State of the Himalayas and Outlook
Strategic Consultation on Himalayan Development Framework
LOK SABHA : Impact of Climate Change in Himalayas
State of the Himalayas and Outlook
Strategic Consultation on Himalayan Development Framework
LOK SABHA : Impact of Climate Change in Himalayas
LOK SABHA: New Union Ministry for the Development of Himalayan States
Link to National Disaster Management Authority
LOK SABHA: New Union Ministry for the Development of Himalayan States
Link to National Disaster Management Authority
link to India meteorological department
link to India meteorological department
A gathering crisis : The Hindu
A new regulatory regime for groundwater, that provides for equitable use, is urgently needed
Mihir shah committee
report :
(2) Interview ‘Time for a National Water Commission’
(3) Submission to Mihir Shah Committee For Restructuring of CWC & CGWB
(2) Interview ‘Time for a National Water Commission’
(3) Submission to Mihir Shah Committee For Restructuring of CWC & CGWB
(5) Insights into Issues: Mihir Shah Committee Analysis
Insights into Issues: Mihir Shah Committee
Analysis A high-powered committee led by Mihir Shah submitted its report
recently to PMO. The report was titled “A 21st Century Institutional
Architecture for India’s Water Reforms: Restructuring the CWC and CGWB”. About
CWC & CGWB:The CWC was established in 1945, is in charge of surface
water and creating storage structures such as dams and...
(6) PRS:
Government of India Water Policy:
- NationalWaterPolicy
2012 (pdf 84.6 kb)
- Constitution of Committee for suggesting a road map for
implementation of National Water Policy, 2012. (pdf 95.5 kb)
- NationalWaterPolicy 2002 (pdf 59.4 kb)
- Review of National Water Policy
§ Summary Record of Proceedings of National Water Resources
Council meeting held on 28th December, 2012 (pdf 438 kb)
§ Agenda Note of the National Water Resources
Council meeting held on 28th December, 2012: English (pdf 94.1 kb) Hindi (pdf 201 kb)
§ Summary Record of Discussion during Consultation with Corporate
Sector for Review of NationalWaterPolicy held on 21.03.2011 (pdf 190
§ Summary Record of Brainstorming Session with Academia, Experts
and Professionals for Review of NationalWaterPolicy held on 26.10.2010 (pdf
286 kb)
§ Background Note for consultation meeting on review of
NationalWaterPolicy held on 28.7.2010 (pdf 228 kb)
51, Issue No. 52, 24 Dec, 2016
Water Governance
Is Not Lost, But Water Sector Reforms Must Go Ahead-P
S Vijayshankar
the Liquid Mosaic - Longer Steps Needed-Nilanjan
Ghosh, Jayanta
Structures of Governance Needed-Vinod
K Gaur
Policy to Practice - Principles of Water Governance- Rochi
Important Step in Reforming Water Governance- K
J Joy
First Step to Much-needed Change- Shripad
Undeniable despite Drawbacks- Nirmal
Governance Reform - A Hopeful Starting Point- Rajeswari
S Raina
Century Water Governance - A Mirage or an Opportunity?- Rohini
of Irrigation Sector- Aditi
on the Essentials - Integrated Monitoring and Analysis of Water Resources- Sharachchandra
Lele, Veena
on the Proposed National Water Commission- Pradip
on Sustainable Groundwater Management--Rajiv
Sinha, Alexander
L Densmore
Way Forward- Mihir
NGO's Views ON water :
What we
should know about National Water Commission
Government of M.P., WATER RESOURCES Department, State
water Policy 2013
workshop on ‘Water Resources Conservation: Village Ponds and Lakes’
Water In Ancient India : IIT-M
भारत में पानी और कृषि संकट -श्री पी. साईनाथ
WATER CONSERVATION : Shri Anupam Mishra & Shri Rajendra singh
Drought Special Issue MAY 2016: 1-15 fortnightly
Global Water Ethics & Indian environmental Philosophy
INDIA WRIS wiki (Water Resource Information System)
देश के 91 प्रमुख जलाशयों के जलस्तर में दो प्रतिशत की कमी आई
Vidharbha- Marathawada
भारत में पानी और कृषि संकट -श्री पी. साईनाथ
WATER CONSERVATION : Shri Anupam Mishra & Shri Rajendra singh
Drought Special Issue MAY 2016: 1-15 fortnightly
Global Water Ethics & Indian environmental Philosophy
INDIA WRIS wiki (Water Resource Information System)
देश के 91 प्रमुख जलाशयों के जलस्तर में दो प्रतिशत की कमी आई
Vidharbha- Marathawada
he Hindu explored the multi-faceted crisis of
water scarcity that gripped India in the summer of 2016, through a daily series
titled ‘Last Drop’. The series sought to give our readers a comprehensive
understanding of six critical themes underpinning the scarcity question.
For each theme the series outlined the
contours of the crisis at a national level; it also supplied grassroots
context, telling compelling stories from villages across the country, to
illustrate the hard realities that millions of water-starved rural poor live
with daily.
Drop: a six-part series on water scarcity 1
Sold down the river : THE HINDU
Dry days: a seven part series on water scarcity in South India :
Sold down the river : THE HINDU
Dry days: a seven part series on water scarcity in South India :
REPORT: June -2017
Friday, 23 June 2017
Where are the commons?
Friday, 16 June 2017
FAFTA and other stories
FAFTA braces for battle against
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership'
16,2017 , 04:03 AM IST
Jun 16 2017 : The Times of India
`RCEP trade policy to hit farmers
hard'- Hyderabad:
Farmers, workers gear up
to resist RCEP terms
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Water In Ancient India : IIT-M
Loan waivers are on you, FM tells States - Today's Paper - The Hindu
News Update 9 JUNE 2017
Pollution IN Himachal
(1) Clean Kali: All eyes now on govt , (2) गंगोत्री के हरे पहरेदारों की पुकार सुनो, (3) Deadline for 300 thermal plants on adoption of air pollution norms extended
Sold down the river
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