PM Modi promises more affordable medicines but NITI Aayog actually wants fewer controls on prices
The government’s policy think tank argues that the current drug price control framework works against innovation and production of quality medicines.
Even as Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the
government’s intention to ensure access to affordable medicines, the
government policy think tank NITI Aayog seems to be pushing for greater
deregulation of drug prices and to disempower India’s drug price
In its Three Year Agenda document for 2017-2020, the
NITI Aayog has said that the Drugs (Price Control) Order that declares
the ceiling price for essential and life saving medicines be delinked
from the National List of Essential Medicines, which is a list of
medicines considered essential in India prepared by the Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare.
The NITI Aayog cites the need for a
“balanced approach” towards regulation to achieve the objectives of
access to effective medicines and a vibrant pharmaceutical industry as
its reason for the recommendation. The agenda document, which was
finalised on April 23, says: “There is a trade-off between lower prices
on the one hand and quality medicine and discovery of breakthrough drugs
on the other. It is therefore recommended that the Drugs (Price
Control) Order may be delinked from the National List of Essential
Health activists who have been working for greater
affordability and accessibility of medicines say that the move has been
suggested at the behest of industry lobbies. Even the Swadeshi Jagran
Manch, a lobbying group supported by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh,
decried the move and on May 1 wrote to the Prime Minister alleging that
the NITI Aayog, the Department of Pharmaceuticals and the health
ministry were sabotaging the country’s drug price control regime.
is shocking to see senior officials of these three ministries and the
NITI Aayog acting in such a concerted fashion to lobby for the crass
commercial interests of the pharmaceutical sector,” said the letter.
Rajya Sabha MP Husain Dalwai has also decided to write a letter to the
Prime Minister about this issue and alleged that the NITI Aayog is
trying to favour the pharmaceutical industry. “When it comes to the
public health sector we are anyway so backward,” he said. “A common man
should get access to medicines.”
Meanwhile the Advanced Medical
Technology Association, a pharmaceutical trade body operating out of the
United States of America, has come out in support of the NITI Aayog’s
proposal. The association has issued a statement saying: “DPCO in its
current form, is meant only for the pharmaceutical products and was
created for Indian healthcare system of the early 70’s based on
cost-accounting principles instead of patient health and safety aspects.
We appreciate that the government recognizes that the DPCO needs
revision and is taking steps to make it more relevant for driving large
scale patient access for safe, effective and innovative medical
Restricting the regulator?
the prices of 376 medicines on the National List of Essential Medicines
are capped. If the National List of Essential Medicines is delinked
from the Drugs (Price Control) Order, it will become just a checklist of
essential medicines. The criteria for which drugs should be price
controlled could then shift from how essential they are to market share
and any other factor as decided by the government.
This is not the only change that the government’s policy agency is suggesting.
October, NITI Aayog Chief Executive Officer Amitabh Kant met officials
from the health ministry and the Department of Pharmaceuticals. A major
recommendation from this meeting was that the the National
Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority “in its present form and current
function be wound up”.
National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority
regulates drug prices by implementing the Drugs (Price Control) Order.
The authority has made several gains in ensuring that medicines are more
accessible to the poor. In a major move this year, the authority capped
the price of cardiac stents at less than Rs 30,000 – almost one-fifth
the price charged by private hospitals.
Last October, the
authority also won two important cases in the Supreme Court that
challenged its powers to regulate drug prices under paragraph 19 of the
Drugs (Price Control) Order.
One case pertains to a clutch of
petitions filed by various pharmaceutical companies which challenged the
notifications issued under the Drugs (Price Control) Order 1995. The
second case was filed by the Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance in 2014
challenging the authority’s powers of capping prices. The drug price
regulator had, at the time, just capped prices of some essential drugs
for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The Supreme Court upheld the
authority’s powers in both the cases.
Health activists have observed
that by recommending that the National List of Essential Medicines by
delinked from Drugs (Price Control) Order, the NITI Aayog is going
against the Supreme Court’s directives.
The National
Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority has also started recovering money from
pharmaceutical companies that have been overcharging for medicines that
have been regulated under the Drugs (Price Control) Order. The authority
claims that companies have overcharged medicines to the tune of more Rs
4,500 crore.
The government is fighting another case at the
Supreme Court. In 2013, the All India Drug Action Network amended an
earlier a public interest litigation asking for reform of the Drugs
(Price Control) Order to also challenge the government’s decision to
switch from a cost-based pricing formula to cap prices of essential
medicines to a market-based pricing formula.
In the Drugs (Price
Control) Orders 1995, ceiling prices were fixed such that companies
manufacturing essential medicines were allowed to make nominal profits
over their manufacturing costs. According to the Drugs (Price Control)
Orders 2013, maximum prices are fixed based on a simple average of all
medicines having one percent or more market share. The reduction of drug
prices using the market-based pricing formula is much less than the
reduction in prices using the cost-based formula.
History of drug price control
Under the Drugs (Price Control) Order of 1995, medicines on the National List of Essential Medicines were brought under price control based on market share and the manufacturing company’s turnover. Under the 1995 order, only 74 drugs were under price control.In 2002, the Department of Pharmaceuticals decided to liberalise its hold over drug pricing by increasing the turnover limit to Rs 25 crores from Rs 4 crores, thereby reducing the number of medicines that come under price control. This was challenged in the Karnataka High Court which stayed the policy. The Supreme Court upheld the judgment and ordered the government to formulate a new policy that ensured essential life saving medicines do not fall out of price control.
After this Supreme Court order, the government started drawing up a new National List of Essential Medicines and linked this new list to the Drugs (Price Control) Order of 2013. The new list had 348 drugs, all of which came under price control, something that the pharmaceutical industry has not been happy about.
Health activists fear that delinking the Drugs (Price Control) Order and the National List of Essential Medicines could make the process of price control of drugs arbitrary. The minutes of the October meeting states that right to regulate drugs “as per need” rests with the government.
Against innovation and quality?
The NITI Aayog’s Three Year Agenda document indicates that lowering prices of medicines is antithetical to producing quality medicine and discovery of drugs. A senior bureaucrat who did not want to be named called this line of reasoning by the NITI Aayog “unfortunate” and noted that it goes against the prime minister’s push for affordable medicines. He said that the NITI Aayog’s plan is not clear on what criteria can be used in fixing the prices of medicines.Source:
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