Pollution IN Himachal
1. On
the occasion of World Environment Day, Kinnaur district in Himachal
Pradesh echoed with slogans like “Van Adhikar Kanoon Lagoo Karo
(implement the Forest Rights Act, 2006) and Hamare Gaon Mein Hamara Raj
(self-rule in our village). http://www.himdhara.org/2017/06/05/world-environment-day-public-meeting-at-kinnaur/
2. “Himachal
has dirty air too” Online Petition launched on World Environment Day.
Appeal to Himachal Pollution Control Board to safeguard Himachal’s air,
monitor all air pollution parameters. http://www.himdhara.org/2017/06/05/petition-himachal-has-dirty-air-too/
3. In
the name of development hydro power projects are spelling doom in
tribal districts of Himachal Pradesh. While local residents and green
activists oppose these projects, the government plans to launch slew of
projects across state to harness the vast untapped hydro power
potential. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/shimla/hydro-projects-ruining-eco-balance-report/articleshow/59012773.cms
4. As
ministers, leaders and corporates today went into overdrive on World
Environment Day to plant saplings, environmentalists say these efforts
are unlikely to generate the results required to fulfil India’s
commitment to increasing forest cover by 2030. http://www.tribuneindia.com/news/nation/planting-saplings-here-there-not-enough-to-raise-green-cover/418182.html
The demolition drive begun by the National Highways Authority of India
(NHAI) at Dharampur to take possession of land for four-laning of the
Parwanoo-Solan highway has left a large number of traders disappointed
as they have failed to get any compensation. http://www.tribuneindia.com/news/himachal/demolition-drive-leaves-traders-disappointed/416142.html
Climate change is straining socio-economic life in Kinnaur affecting
apple production, causing landslides and pushing metal pent roofs https://www.thethirdpole.net/2017/05/29/of-dusty-snow-and-rotten-apples/
7. किन्नौर में बादल फटने से मची भारी तबाही, कई गाड़ियां और मवेशी लापता
8. उत्तराखण्ड के धार्मिक पर्यटन व अंधाधुंध मशीनी विकास पर एक नजर
9. Dams
don't just have local environmental impacts. It's clear they play a key
role in the global carbon cycle and therefore the Earth's climate. Water
reservoirs created by damming rivers could have significant impacts on
the world's carbon cycle and climate system that aren't being accounted
for, a new study concludes.
10. Insightful
reporting by Rajeshwari Sinha of Down to Earth on how BBN region in
Himachal remains prone to antibiotic pollution due to pharma units.The
waste contains active ingredients used in antibiotics and may be
contributing to the spread of antimicrobial resistance. It is time to
treat pharma waste more rigorously. http://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/bitter-medicine-57879
11. When godmen rule the world... they are no less then big corporates...
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