The world according to Fritjof Capra
Future perfect‘I can give a scientific
basis to bolster certain values like ecological sustainability and human
dignity.’Basso CannarsaBasso Cannarsa .
The physicist-philosopher talks about his journey towards balancing science and spirituality
A 78-year-old physicist who is now Director of the Centre for
Ecoliteracy in Berkeley, California, Fritjof Capra is best known for his
first book,
The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism
(1975), which has sold over a million copies worldwide. He had his
epiphany while he was sitting by the ocean one afternoon and felt the
cascading waves and sand forming a cosmic dance, which he intuitively
likened to the dance of Shiva, that he had been reading about. This
started a long inquiry into Eastern religions and more particularly
Hinduism and Zen Buddhism. In 1972, he drew the parallel between Shiva’s
dance and the dance of subatomic particles in an article titled ‘The
Dance of Shiva: The Hindu View of Matter in the Light of Modern
Physics’. I spoke to him on the sidelines of a recent meeting of the
Greenaccord international environmental journalists in Florence, Italy.
How did you, as a practising physicist, get interested in Hindu philosophy?
started actually in my childhood. My mother was a poet and my father a
lawyer, but also an amateur philosopher. He had a German translation of
. I had also heard about Buddhism from my father. I really got
interested in Indian philosophy in the 1960s; it came through the beat
poets in San Francisco.
In the 1960s, I became part of the
counter-culture. I began to practise yoga and Zen meditation, before
finally settling on Taoist tai-chi, which I still practise today. I also
experimented with psychedelics, which exposed me to alternative visions
of reality through books, through classical texts.
The Bhagvad Gita
was an eye-opener for me, a profound experience. This was the first
original source that I read and it was and is the best. Then I read a
lot of books about Buddhism by D.T. Suzuki.
In 1969, I met Jiddu
Krishnamurti who became a big influence on my thinking. I was never a
devotee, but he was a very interesting independent thinker. He gave a
lecture at the University of California, where I was teaching and doing
physics research. I had read his books before and one of his collections
of writings is called
Freedom from the Known
. I was very puzzled by it: I was a young post-doc physicist, just
beginning a career: here was this Indian sage telling me that I must
forget about knowledge, about language, I must free myself from all
that. I managed to have an audience with him through various
machinations. He was very impressive at that time; he had that
impeccably coiffed hair, immaculate clothes; his whole demeanour was
sage-like. I had read Carlos Castaneda on Don Juan: here was a Don Juan
right before my eyes!
I asked him: ‘How do I free myself from the
known as a budding physicist embarking on a career?’ He immediately
responded: ‘First you are a human being. Only then are you a physicist.
You have to liberate yourself as a human being and that you cannot do
through thinking; you can only do through meditation. Once you have
achieved that liberation, then go back and do physics. I love science.’
He showed me that you can combine different states of consciousness and
use them when they are appropriate.
You must know that in India
we have moved from Hinduism to Hindutva, with ultra right-wing
ideologies taking root. There are throwbacks to claims of Indians
possessing scientific knowledge like, for instance, the god Ganesha
being a case of Indians knowing about plastic surgery. Does it
disappoint you to learn that we in India have turned our backs on our
own spiritual traditions?
It does disappoint me as an example of religion taking over from spirituality. In my 2014 book
The Systems View of Life
, which is a synthesis of my work, my co-author Pier Luigi Luisi and I
have a chapter on science and spirituality. We make a strong point of
the distinction. Spirituality is a perception of reality in a special
state of consciousness and the characteristics of this experience of
belonging to a larger whole, connected with everything, are independent
of historical and cultural context. The organised expression of
spirituality is religion, which always depends on cultural and
historical context. Unfortunately, religion often ossifies and the
teachings are expressed as dogma; experience is replaced by faith.
I first went to India in 1980, after
The Tao of Physics
had been published five years earlier; I was a fringe author in the U.S.
and Europe. Quantum physics and Zen Buddhism weren’t things that people
would easily accept. The book was very successful but it wasn’t taken
seriously by the establishment. I was asked to give a series of lectures
at the University of Bombay; I was received by the University
Vice-Chancellor, and met leading politicians, including Indira Gandhi in
Delhi. My work was totally embraced by the Indian establishment. I was
very puzzled but then I realised that the mystical core of Hinduism was
part of the establishment, not the fringe.
Are you disappointed that the idealism of the 60s and 70s on economic and ecological issues has been negated today?
see this as a cycle, which is very consistent with Indian thinking. Let
me take you through my personal experience from the 60s to the 90s. In
the 60s, as part of the counter-culture, we were protesting against the
conventional way of life with ideas of community, spirituality,
sensuality, of a different ethic and so on. And we didn’t have an
alternative. In the 70s, two movements emerged which were the pillars of
an alternative: ecology and feminism. In the 80s, these movements
coalesced into a political manifestation: the Green parties.
Green movement became international and by the end of the 80s, there
were many parties, in parliaments. By this time, 10 years after I
published my second book,
The Turning Point
, I really believed that we were at this turning point.
happened then was something that no one foresaw: the information
technology revolution. The rise of computing power and
telecommunications, e-mail and the Internet operated against the
alternative view of the world and brought in a new materialism.
In theory, it would suggest just the opposite: the surge in communications should have made us more interdependent?
IT revolution was critical for establishing global capitalism. These
networks of financial flows didn’t happen from one day to another: there
were many stops and starts, with people trying to impose economic
There was Reaganomics in the U.S. and Thatcherism in
the U.K. Finally, what emerged was this global network of financial
flows which dominated society, destroyed communities. It is very
powerful and was designed explicitly without any ethics. So when you
invest your money, you have machines which do it for you; you have a
computerised network of investment consultants and so on and they only
apply one rule: what makes the most money.
Despite the global community you mention, hasn’t the rise of financial capitalism smothered it?
it has. But we are also very strong because of our numbers. With the
Internet, you see demonstrations. See the current struggle in Spain with
Catalonia: they can get a hundred thousand people on the street in two
days because communication is so fast. We’ve had demonstrations against
Monsanto, for instance; there have been various causes that bring people
to the streets. We have scholars, institutes of research and it is
global. What we’ve been writing about for decades is happening: climate
change, for instance. I wrote about global warming in 1989. For decades,
no one listened and made fun, but we are now in a climate catastrophe. I
think the situation is changing because businesses that don’t have
ideologies — they want to invest money to flourish — are turning away
from fossil fuels. If they had listened then, we would have had a
different world today. It’s almost too late, but hopefully not. We have
to build alternative communities and do things that don’t depend on
global capitalism.
So you have hope for the future?
are two major problems, among many others: climate change and economic
inequality. Violence and war also exist but are derived from inequality.
What has happened from my personal experience is that I now teach
online in what I call ‘Capra Course’ ( People are very
enthusiastic, but are confused about certain aspects: I give a
scientific basis to bolster values like ecological sustainability and
human dignity. I address people who are already convinced but confused
about certain details. This is a very positive and hopeful development.
writer, former editor of two major Mumbai dailies, is sometimes called
journalist and other times environmentalist, but prefers to be known as
an environmental journalist.
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